† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants Nos. 11627807, 11127403, and 11474130), the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2013CB922200), and the Natural Science Foundation of Jilin Province of China (Grant No. 20160101332JC).
We accomplish a laboratory facility for producing a femtosecond XUV coherent monochromatic radiation with a broad tunable spectral range of 20 eV–75 eV. It is based on spectral selected single-order harmonics from intense laser driven high harmonic generation in gas phase. The time preserving for the selected harmonic radiation is achieved by a Czerny–Turner type monochromator designed with a conical diffraction grating mount for minimizing the time broadening caused by grating diffraction and keeping a relatively high diffraction efficiency. Our measurement shows that the photon flux of the 23-order harmonic (H23) centered at 35.7 eV is
Femtosecond laser technology based on Ti:Sapphire crystal has enabled us to follow atomic and molecular motion in real time[1] and then to control chemical reactions[2] and molecular processes.[3] However, the experiments with femtosecond time resolution in extreme ultraviolet (XUV) or soft x-ray region have only recently been made possible, partly owing to femtosecond-slicing techniques at synchrotron radiation,[4] partly because of the realization of x-ray free electron lasers,[5] and primarily due to the development of high harmonic generation (HHG) in intense laser fields during the last decades.[6–9] HHG occurs when an electron, liberated from an atom or molecule by incident intense laser fields, gains energy from the field and recombines with the parent ion.[10] The HHG spectrum features a sequence of peaks corresponding to the odd harmonics of the driven laser wavelength with an intensity distribution characterized by a plateau spanning into XUV or soft x-ray region. Thus, HHG radiation can be used as a short-wavelength radiation source for studies of electronic structure and dynamics of atoms, molecules, and condensed matters,[11,12] with a table-top scale, opposed to large synchrotron and free-electron-laser facilities. For many spectroscopic applications, the selection of a single harmonic radiation from consecutive multiple harmonics is necessary with various optical methods,[3,13–16] such as multilayer mirrors, gratings with grazing incidence, and selected enhancement by laser pulse shaping. Particularly, by using the gratings, a good spectral resolution with a broad tunable spectral range has been achieved. However, it has been demonstrated that the harmonic selection using a diffraction grating could significantly stretch the radiation pulse in the time domain[17,18] even that the stretching can be limited by reducing the incident angle but with the cost of grating reflectivity.[19,20] To overcome this shortcoming, Poletto et al.[21] have demonstrated a time-preserving monochromator for XUV and soft x-ray regions in which a single diffraction grating is operated in a conical diffraction. Due to its super temporal properties and relatively high efficiency, this conical diffraction grating monochromator has been employed in the spectral selection of HHG radiation.[16,22–24] In this paper, we describe an accomplishment of a tunable ultrafast XUV coherent source with a resolving power
We design a conical diffraction grating monochromator for selecting the HHG radiation produced in the gaseous atom (e.g., Ar or Ne) by a 35 fs, 800 nm pulsed laser. As depicted in Fig.
As shown in Fig.
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The inset of Fig.
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In the designed monochromator, we choose two gratings with different groove densities, 300 gr/mm (blaze angle
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Grating parameters of the time preserving monochromator. . |
The main advantages of conical diffraction mount of the grating are the time preserving for pulsed duration and the high diffraction efficiency. It has been shown in the previous studies[27] that the diffraction efficiency of the grating with the conical diffraction mount is close to the reflectivity of the grating’s coating, which is two to three times higher than the classical grating mount. Normally, the grating will inevitably cause a time broadening of the ultrafast pulse because of the diffraction: the total pulse elongation by the grating diffracted by N grooves illuminated by the radiation at wavelength
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Thus, we can calculate the pulse broadening of the grating with the classical diffraction and conical diffraction mounts for our 300 gr/mm and 600 gr/mm gratings. The results indicate that the time broadening of the pulse is inversely proportional to the photon energy, as shown in Fig.
It is clear that the classical diffraction mount brings a pulse spread to few picoseconds, while the conical diffraction mount reduces largely the spread since much less grating grooves are illuminated at the same incident angle which results in less time elongation of XUV pulse duration. For the same reason, the pulse broadening of 600 gr/mm grating (solid line) is higher than that of 300 gr/mm grating (dashed line). The divergence of the XUV beam is expected to be less than 10 mrad,[16] therefore, the duration of the XUV pulse is about 100 fs.
We used a Ti:Sapphire laser system to provide 800 nm, 35 fs laser pulses up to 6 mJ with a repetition rate of 1 kHz. The laser beam was focused by a 30 cm focal length lens, giving a focus spot about 50 μm. HHG was generated in a nickel (Ni) gas cell of 3 mm diameter at the laser focus. The holes in the tube wall were burned by the laser beam itself, minimizing the gas load to the surrounding vacuum. The driving laser was blocked after the cell by using a 500-nm-thick Al filter which allows the transmission of HHG radiation. Figure
For the XUV radiation above 45 eV, we use atomic Ne gas as the generation medium, because of its high HHG cutoff due to the high ionization potential of Ne (21.6 eV), which is higher than that for Ar and at 3 mJ driving laser pulse energy. The high driving laser power is crucial for ionizing Ne to generate a high ponderomotive energy of the electrons. Figure
For a XUV or soft-x ray radiation source, monochromatic feature is important in many applications. We calculated the spectral resolution of the designed monochromator and measured the spectral profiles of the selected single HHG radiation. Figure
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In the experiment, β is
A small value of the measured resolution for the monochromator, compared to the theoretical and ray tracing values, results from several experimental factors, such as the aberration of the toroidal mirror, the size of HHG generating spot, etc.
In conclusion, we accomplish a laboratory facility for producing femtosecond XUV coherent monochromatic radiation with a broad tunable range of 20–75 eV, based on spectrally selected HHG driven by ultrafast intense laser fields in atomic gases. By designing a Czerny–Turner type monochromator with the conical diffraction grating mount, a time preserving for the selected harmonic radiation is achieved, which minimizes the time broadening from grating diffraction and keeps a relatively high diffraction efficiency. This radiation source provides an ultrashort monochromatic XUV radiation with a tunability in a broad energy region and can be useful for further studies in ultrafast electronic and structural dynamics in a large variety of atoms, molecules, and condensed matters.
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